What Happened to Me On Keto Before and After 3 Months

I’m here to share my journey with the ketogenic diet. I was skeptical at first, but after hearing so many amazing results from friends and online communities, I decided to give it a try. And I’m so glad I did!

I know the feeling of being frustrated with diets that just don’t work. Countless times, I would start a new eating plan, get excited, only to fall off track and feel defeated a few days later. But with the ketogenic diet, it was different. From the beginning, I was drawn to its low-carb, high-fat approach, which promised to not only help me lose weight but improve my overall health.

I did my research and jumped in with both feet, fully committed to sticking to the plan and giving it my all. Surprisingly, I was blown away by the results. Not only did I lose weight, but my energy levels skyrocketed, and my skin cleared up. I was finally able to stick to a diet and see real results, which was a huge win for me.

So now, I’m here to share my journey with you and show you what happened to me on keto after three months. From the initial struggles to the victories, I’ll be spilling all the details about my transformation. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and maybe even convinced to give the ketogenic diet a try yourself!

Here is what happened to me on keto before and after 3 months.

Keto Before Month 1

Month 1 on the ketogenic diet was a rollercoaster of emotions. I was excited to start this new journey, but also a little intimidated by all the rules and restrictions. But once I got into the groove, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to stick to the plan.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much energy I had in the mornings and throughout the day. No more mid-day slumps or caffeine crashes! And, even though I was eating fewer carbs, I never felt deprived or hungry. I was pleasantly surprised by how filling and satisfying high-fat, low-carb foods can be.

Of course, there were challenges. I had to get creative in the kitchen, finding new and delicious ways to prepare meals that fit within the parameters of the diet. And, I had to get used to saying goodbye to some of my favorite foods and snacks. But, overall, Month 1 was a success, and I was excited to see what the next few months would bring.

Keto After Month 1

Month 1 on the ketogenic diet was definitely an adjustment period. I had to completely change the way I thought about food and what I put in my body. Gone were the days of grabbing a quick sugary snack or reaching for a bag of chips. Instead, I was loading up on healthy fats, proteins, and low-carb veggies. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but I was determined to stick with it.

One of the biggest challenges for me in Month 1 was figuring out what to eat. I was used to grabbing a sandwich for lunch or ordering takeout for dinner, but those options were off the table now. I had to get creative in the kitchen and come up with meals that fit within the ketogenic parameters. Thank goodness for Pinterest and online keto communities, they really came in handy during this time.

I was also surprised by how quickly my cravings changed. By the end of the first week, I no longer craved the sugary snacks and junk food that used to be my go-tos. I was starting to enjoy the taste of whole, nutritious foods, and my body was thanking me for it. The first month was definitely a learning experience, but I was seeing results and that kept me motivated to continue on this journey.

Keto Before Month 2

Month 2 on the ketogenic diet was a game-changer for me! I was starting to see real progress and it was so motivating. I was finally able to stick to the diet, and it wasn’t even hard anymore. I was eating so many delicious and satisfying foods, and I didn’t even miss my old cravings.

One of the biggest wins for me in Month 2 was how much more energy I had. I was no longer dragging throughout the day and instead felt like I could tackle anything that came my way. And my sleep improved too! I was sleeping better and waking up feeling refreshed, which was a huge plus.

Another great thing about Month 2 was that I was finally starting to see some changes in my body. My clothes were fitting better, and I had lost some weight without even realizing it. It was amazing to see the progress I had made, and I was so proud of myself for sticking to the diet.

Keto After Month 2

Unfortunately, I encountered some setbacks. While I was feeling great and seeing progress in my energy levels and weight loss, sticking to the ketogenic diet was a bit of a challenge. I was constantly craving carbs and sugar, which were major no-nos on the diet. It was a real test of my willpower, but I was determined to stick to it and see the results through.

One of the things that helped me stay on track was meal prepping. I made sure to always have healthy, low-carb options on hand, so I wouldn’t be tempted to reach for junk food. I also started experimenting more in the kitchen, trying out new recipes and ingredients to keep things interesting. Plus, I tried out a meal plan delivery service called Meels on days I don’t feel like cooking. They prepped the keto meals for me, which tasted delicious!

Another thing that helped was finding a supportive community. Whether it was chatting with friends who were also on the diet or joining online forums and Facebook groups, having people to share my journey with and hold me accountable made a huge difference. I was finally starting to feel like I had a handle on this whole ketogenic thing, and I was excited to see what Month 3 would bring!

Keto Before Month 3

In Month 3, I’m starting to get the hang of the ketogenic diet. I saw serious progress, which made me more confident in my ability to stick to the diet. But, of course, there were still some challenges along the way.

One of the biggest things I noticed was that my cravings for sugar and junk food were nearly non-existent. I used to have a major sweet tooth. Now I found myself reaching for fruits and nuts instead. Weird, right? This was a huge win for me because I used to struggle with binge eating. I constantly reached for junk food, but that craving is gone.

Another big change I noticed was in my energy levels. I was no longer feeling sluggish and tired all the time. Instead, I had a constant source of energy throughout the day. I was even able to tackle some tough workouts without feeling exhausted. It was a real revelation for me, and I felt proud of myself for sticking to the diet.

Overall, Month 3 was a huge success for me on my ketogenic journey. Hooray!

Keto After Month 3

Finally, the third month has arrived! This is the point at which everything comes together, and I’m very eager to share what I’ve discovered during my experience with the ketogenic diet.

I was initially shocked by how much my body had changed. I reduced my weight, but more significantly, I felt better than ever in terms of strength and health. My energy levels were through the roof, and I also noticed that my skin had significantly improved. I never imagined that something as straightforward as altering my diet could have such a profound effect on my general state of well-being.

What I Learned From My Keto Diet

Portion control was among the most important things I discovered while on this diet. I learned how to pay attention to my body’s hunger cues thanks to the ketogenic diet, which is all about eating the right amount of protein, good fats, and vegetables. I stopped needing to overeat or graze between meals. A significant change for me has been that I have also learned how to prepare healthier meals at home.

The value of meal planning was something else I discovered. I always had a nutritious meal prepared when I was on the go, which made maintaining my diet much simpler. I was able to quickly get back on track even when I did indulge in some of my favourite junk food.

Overall, the ketogenic diet has changed my life for the better. I’m so happy I made the decision to give it a shot, and I wholeheartedly endorse it for anyone seeking to improve their life.