How to BBQ Chicken on a Charcoal Grill

Roasting meat has been used since humans can control fire, and we are the only species on the planet that cooks our food. Today we gather around the grill to produce tasty foods cooked outdoors and enjoyed by family and friends, and among the most popular protein is the humble chicken.

Charcoal grills are widely used because of the smoky flavour they impart. If you have a charcoal grill, you need to know how to use it to its fullest. Not sure how to get your bird tasting the best? Here is how to BBQ chicken on a charcoal grill.

Start with Your Charcoal

There are five types of charcoal you can use for your grill. Each has its advantages, and it is up to you what you want to use and the availability to purchase them. They include:

Hardwood Briquettes

This is a type of charcoal made from sawdust and leftover hardwood, along with additives for binding into uniform pieces. They burn long and are cheap but can have a chemical smell.

Lump Charcoal

Lump charcoal is made in the process of slow-burning wood without the presence of oxygen until the sap and moisture are eliminated. It’s the most natural form of charcoal and burns very clean. It is, however, more expensive.

Charcoal Briquettes

Charcoal briquettes combine hard or soft sawdust and scrap wood, a popular type for grilling. They are the cheapest option, but they are hard to light and produce pollutants and off-tasting flavours on the food.

Coconut Shell Charcoal

This is made from the byproducts of the coconut industry and is an odourless, less-smoking product. It is a sustainable product and is fairly cheap.


Binchotan is white charcoal from Japanese oak trees, which utilize wood and branches. It is odourless and helps to bring out the natural flavours of the meat you grill

Get Your Charcoal Burning

The best way to get indirect and indirect heat from your charcoal grill is to use a charcoal chimney. It holds the charcoal in a metal tube to light them, and then once they are going well, you pour them onto your grill. You can also add another layer of coals to give you more cooking time for a big feast.

If you are old school, you can simply put charcoal into your BBQ and squirt on some lighter fluid. Use a long-stemmed lighter or match to ignite from a safe distance and try to get an even burn going. Now you are ready for your chicken.

Type of Chicken Meat

While all chicken will cook great on a BBQ, different cuts cook faster; you must know this.

Chicken Breasts

Grill these over medium heat as they can easily overcook. Marinate them before grilling for extra flavour and place them directly on the grill.

Chicken Thighs

Thighs are easier to grill as dark meat cooks slower and stay juicer than white meat. You can cook these over medium heat and put your desired seasonings or marinades to your liking. Boneless requires only one turn halfway through at a total cooking time of around 15 minutes, while bone-in will take up to 30 minutes with 3-4 turns.

Chicken Legs

Legs are tasty and work better with indirect heat. This way, they cook slower and retain their juiciness. Use a drip pan and BBQ them for 50-60 minutes.


Wings should be marinated and seasoned according to your taste and then put on medium heat with a drip pan. Cover them for around 25 minutes, turning once at the halfway mark and add BBQ sauce before you serve.

Whole Chicken

A whole chicken is more challenging but gives you all the meat options in one cook. Start by butterfly the bird so it can lay flat on the grill and have full contact with the grates. It will cook more evenly this way. Season and marinade as desired, and use indirect grilling to put its skin down first. After 25 minutes, flip it and cook for another 25 minutes or until done.

Extra Grilling Tips

To have perfect grilled chicken, consider these expert tips:

  • Preheat the grill for at least 15 minutes before putting your meat on.
  • Try wood chips to add smokey flavour, but make sure to soak them for 30 minutes.
  • Clean your grill well with a brush to remove food debris before use.
  • Make different temperature zones so you can cook multiple food items simultaneously.

You can use a gas or electric grill, which works well, but nothing is better than the traditional charcoal BBQ experience. If you want your chicken to come out at its best, use this as a guide to grilling your next chicken meal like a master.